The nursing students will have various opportunities since they are at the helm of all patients care activities and also form an integral part of hospital staff. Nursing students will be expected to provide care to the patients in general.
A nurse acts as a basic care provider, comforter and healer for the patients. They comfort patients and provide them emotional support in dealing with diseases. Nursing students will need to have an inherent sensitivity & knowledge to deal with issues related to client’s health.
A nurse works as a teacher and guides patients in managing treatment process and therapy related to the disease. A nurse promotes healthy lifestyle and makes the patient aware about various steps that the patient must take to decrease the intensity of pain or the after effects of a disease. In short, nurses interpret medical knowledge to clients in simple and lucid manner so that the patient can comply with various changes he/she has to make in his lifestyle.
The students will learn how to promote physical health and ease tension of patients and also act as counselors. They will need to provide emotional, psychological and intellectual support in matters related to dealing with diseases.
As a part of nurse duties, nurses help candidate develop positive attitude towards disease so that with good emotional health, the patient can be treated easily. A nurse has to learn to be friends with patients and provide them love and care. Nurses encourage patients to develop a sense of achievement every time the patients are able to follow some dietary recommendations or exercise schedules. This keeps the patients motivated and they work for the betterment of their health.